Bundesverband Digitalpublisher und Zeitungsverleger e.V.
The Federal Association of Digital Publishers and Newspaper Publishers is the leading organization of newspaper publishers in the Federal Republic of Germany. In 11 regional associations there are 301 newspapers with a total circulation of 17,4 million copies sold, as well as 14 weekly newspapers with over 1 million issues sold.
The association, which has its main offices in Berlin, originated in 1954 via the merger between the "Gesamtverband der Deutschen Zeitungsverleger" (the licensee organization) and the "Verein Deutscher Zeitungsverleger". They continued the tradition of the first major publishers' organization, founded in 1894, which had been suspended in 1933. The tasks which the founding members appointed to the Federal Association of Digital Publishers and Newspaper Publishers and which are recorded in its statute, are based on the experiences, endeavours and the aims of its forerunner organizations.
The BDZV aims at the maintenance and the representation of the common ideals and economic interests of the publishing houses. In particular its tasks include:
- The safeguarding of the independence of democratic German newspapers.
- The maintenance of the journalistic task of German newspaper publishers.
- The protection and the promotion of the reputation of the newspaper publishing houses in the public eye, and the representation thereof vis-à-vis the Federal Government, peoples' representatives, authorities and other organizations.
- The maintenance of a level of competition which is appropriate to the professional status, and the combating of improper advertising, as well as all methods employed in over-agressive competition.
- The promotion of the education of trainees in newspaper publishing houses.
- The conducting of negotiations in matters of social legislation and the conclusion of wage agreements.
- The provision of information and legal opinions on fundamental questions on newsprinting.
- The fostering of international relationships.