Press releases
Adoption of the Trade Secrets Directive by the European Parliament
Investigative journalism must be guaranteed.
Press releases
Investigative journalism must be guaranteed.
Press releases
EU-Parliament has approved the text agreed in Trialogue in December.
Press releases
European newspaper and magazine publishers welcome today's announcement by Commissioner Moscovici of a specific proposal coming up this year to reduce VAT rates for e-publications, along with what was announced by President Juncker in May 2015.
Press releases
Mobile Principles launched at first ever EDAA Summit on 1 March 2016.
Press releases
EU Commission and United States agree on new framework for transatlantic data flows: EU-US Privacy Shield.
Press releases
Today, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation concerning the respect for private life and personal data in electronic communications and repealing the existing Directive 2002/58/EC (last modified in 2009). Among other things, the proposal introduces new rules governing the use of cookies, which will significantly affect the business model of the digital press.