
Press releases

Preserving the economic viability of commercial media

As the technical discussions on the European Media Freedom Act are progressing, the undersigned organisations, representing tens of thousands of commercial media brands, newspapers, magazines, radio and broadcasters across the EU, would like to bring to your attention a key point for the viability of the media sector.

Press releases

The European Parliament adopts its report on the EMFA: Further improvements must be achieved in trilogues

The European press publishers' associations EMMA and ENPA acknowledge today's vote in the European Parliament on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). The core objective of EMMA and ENPA is to protect press and media freedom and pluralism in the EU and to promote an environment in which the free press can flourish and develop – both online and offline. In this respect, the European Parliament's report has brought improvements towards these goals. Nevertheless, several shortcomings remain that need to be addressed during the trilogue negotiations in order for the EMFA to effectively strengthen the media, to protect its freedom while avoiding unnecessarily interfering in functioning systems in Member States.

Press releases

MEPs: Media sector calls on you to support the CULT compromise package in EMFA plenary vote

On 3 October, the European Parliament will vote on its position on the European Media Freedom Act. Ahead of the vote, the undersigned associations representing all actors in the media sector, both commercial and public media, ranging from press and radio to audiovisual media, would like to thank the rapporteur and shadows from the leading Culture and Education Committee (CULT) as well as from the associated LIBE and IMCO committees for all their work on this file.

Press releases

Press publishers support the joint effort to maintain Article 17 EMFA

Ahead of the European Parliament Plenary vote on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), EMMA and ENPA joined other media and journalists’ and media workers’ organisations in a call to maintain Article 17 of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) in Plenary.

Press releases

Global AI Principles

Global Publishing and Journalism Organizations Unite to Release Comprehensive Global Principles for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Press releases

European press publishers’ open letter “EMFA must live up to its name”

EMMA and ENPA support the open letter from hundreds of European press publishers of all sizes, press titles and press associations from across Europe to send to EU Member States a clear and strong political message at a critical juncture in the negotiations on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA).